A Day at Roanoke Valley Early College What a wonder experience visiting RVEC students and teachers. They are growing and learning together as they strive for excellence.
A Day at Weldon STEM High School Career Academies A Day at Weldon High School Career AcademiesWeldon STEM High School Career Academies is busy about the business of teaching and learning.
First Week of School at Weldon STEM High School Career Academies Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Terry shares their experiences the first week of school
Ms. April Whitaker shares important information to our parents, students, and community. Ms. April Whitaker, school Social worker shares vital information about, Back Pack Buddies, Food and Clothing Pantry, the Mckinney-Vento Act, and Attendance.
First Week of School at Weldon Middle Mrs. Tyler and Chrishya talk about their First Week of school experiences